Monday, June 30, 2008

Bawk! Bawk, Bawk, Bawk!

I'm a chicken. A six-foot-one, two-hundred-mumble-mumble pound, chicken. Really and truly a chicken. Trust me, I have the data, I can prove it.

This weekend I was at the track. I brought both bikes. The Daytona has a camera system so I have some decent pictures of me pretending not to be a chicken. Unfortunately the Daytona had some troubles and I switched to the Ducati. The Ducati has a data collection system. And, apparently, one of the data points it captures is "Is Rider a Chicken? (Yes/No)". And it came back a definite yes.

Here's about 2 1/2 minutes of data:

The top graph is speed. The middle graph is RPM. The bottom graph is the chicken-o-meter. It shows throttle position. See that pink-highlighted sliver? That shows how long I had the throttle at 100%. It's 1.3 seconds long.

1.3 seconds.

I figured pink was the right color for highlighting.


FM said...

I recognize the words you're typing as English, but I fail to understand the connection :P Throttling = being a chicken? So throttling != going fast and accelerating which != being a chicken?

Anonymous said...

So do you want more pink or less pink? Some men look good in pink.1.3 seconds can be a very long time, ... the amount of time it takes to get into an accident is probably half as long... - sis